Downloading a Single Photo

This convenient option is perfect for downloading via. mobile and is meant to make it easy for you to share on social media! Because of this, single photo download will always have a watermark! :-)

To download without watermark, view the tutorial below.

Downloading Your Gallery

(With or Without watermark)

Hello! If you're here as a customer downloading your photos, thank you for your business!


You will receive an email telling you that your photos are ready. Inside the email, there will be *a link to view your photos on a sharing website called Pixieset. This online gallery will have all of your photos and you will be able to download them from there.


When you receive this email, keep it! :) There will be an important PIN number needed for downloading your photos. Keep reading to learn how to download your gallery when it's complete...

*The link should take you here. You'll click the 'View Gallery' button or scroll down to view the collection.

View Your Photos Here!

You'll find the download button at the top right of your gallery


Now to do the actual download, you'll need to access the email from me with your download PIN...

Locate your PIN

I will have sent you an email including a PIN (example above)

Enter Email & PIN

Enter your email address and the PIN # from the email (above, left)

Choose Download Size: High Resolution

Choose this option for prints, cards/announcements, etc. This option will download your gallery as a whole without the watermark.

Choose Download Size: Web size

Choose this option for social media such as Instagram, Facebook, etc.

This download does have watermarks and is a smaller file size (this helps the photo appear sharp and perfect on social media!)

Download To:

Choose the location you'd like to use to download your photos.

When selecting 'My Computer',

First Click the download box (labeled above), and then locate the download at the bottom left of your screen. Click the ^ symbol next to the download (pictured above), then click 'Show in Folder' -- this will take you to the download location (likely the Downloads folder on your computer).

Your photo folder will come compressed/zipped so that the download will take less time. To unzip the file on an Apple computer, simply double-click the zipped folder. On Windows, you'll need to:

  1. Click on/Select the file

2. Right-click and choose Extract All, or click 'Compressed Folder Tools' Shown Below (the pink highlight), then Extract All.

Ignore the Browse button and click Extract as shown above.

After clicking 'Extract', a new window should appear with something like this -- this is your unzipped folder of photos ready for use

Drag the new folder to your Desktop, leaving the .ignore file in the old folder. After moving your photo folder to your desktop or photos, you may delete anything that's left from the download (in your Downloads folder) if you'd like!

Now you can access your photos! Feel free to rename the folder to anything that works for you or just leave it the same. :)

If you have any questions, please contact me!